How-to: Perfect Galentine's Day

Grab your gal pals, it’s time to talk about planning the BEST Galentine’s Day ever

In case you missed it, I had another amazing #MaddyCorbinGirlbossShoot last week with some beautiful, and oh-so-inspiring Indy girls. We were even fortunate enough to bring on our first sponsor for a Group Shoots so be sure to check out: Yes Studio for all of the goodies featured in our images!

(It is so cool to me that one day I decided to start shooting with more creatives here in Indy and it now is a project where brands are interested in sponsoring?!?! So fun! )


Hashtag it is time to call the girls & party!


Step 01: Balloons, Balloons, Balloons!

You can never go wrong with too many balloons. For this shoot I went with simply colored ones because I knew we would be pulling out hearts in various other items (like our pjs) — I for sure wanted to get some with helium to float and some without that we could throw around for photos and move easier room to room!

Step 02: Hot Chocolate Bar

Sip sip, ah! This could be made into a candy bar or ice-cream sundae bar, but the idea here is to have a yummy customizable treat! It is always so fun to see what everyone makes and how they use the ingredients to make their own! We had so many goodies, but because of my allergies (gluten + diary) I made my hot chocolate with almond milk, Hershey chocolate syrup, almond/coconut whip cream and sprinkles!

Step 03: Projector Movie

What is a girl’s night in without a go-to chick flick?! For this you can have more fun with it. (Due to us being on a time crunch for this Girlboss Shoot we didn’t get to actually watch a movie, but we did build a cozy section on the floor that would have been perfect for it!) Dust off that old projector, build a fort or cozy floor bed (grab those hot cocoas) and you are set!

Step 04: Nail Bar Anyone?

Yes Studio sent us some super cute nail goodies for the perfect manicure night. This could be a fun time to test of different designs (like using bobby pins to create two circles and a toothpick to connect them to make a <3?!)


My girls & I all knew we wanted to wearing Valentine’s Day themed pjs so we set off to ASOS! We each found our sets there, and my red slippers are from Victoria’s Secret. Wearing pjs to a party not only provides the perfect vibe, but who doesn’t love a cozy night in?!


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